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Biography and criticism

Verezzi 31.JPG

I was born in Giussano in Brianza in 1971 and I studied technical subjects with a specialization in electronics during which I studied technical drawing and the rules of perspective in depth.

Art and philosophy have always fascinated me, I love music and for a period of my life I dedicated myself to the guitar. But graphic arts are my favorite form of communication.

I first devoted myself to photography, which gave me knowledge of the rules for good composition, before moving on to painting in 2001.

My passion for color led me to join the association “la Bottega dell'arte” in Missaglia in 2006, where I was able to study pencil and charcoal drawing techniques and develop oil and acrylic painting.
My first exhibition of oil paintings was in 2008, followed by many others, among which I had the honor of being able to include the Louvre Museum in Paris.

I also had the pleasure of creating the illustrations for the book “Riflessi” by the poet Carmen Besana published by Montedit.

The center of my painting are always the colors that I love alive and expressive. In my vaguely surreal settings I always love to insert a message that is food for thought, I believe in fact that art can be considered as such only if, in addition to conveying beauty and harmony, it also suggests a theme that the author proposes so that it can be developed by the observer.

Davide Nava and the shape of the non-shape


An intimate expressive synthesis links faces, landscapes, suggestions, colors and symbols.

Davide's painting is characterized by a harmonious graphic-poetic intertwining, the vivid and unreal gesture blends dream and reality, serenity and restlessness, desires and choices creating balances that are sometimes stable and sometimes precarious.

The artist, as it should be natural, expresses his personal relationship with life, emotions and thoughts ... .. reflections and feelings ... ..

The inspirational matrix springs from nature, captured in all its expressive power and simplicity and enriched with intense meanings in an attempt to give shape to the inexpressible.

The imaginative vision, at times, can be more eloquent than any word.


Carmen Besana



2008   Premio l’Arcobaleno             

           Besana Brianza

2009   Premio l’Arcobaleno             

           Bevera di Sirtori

2011   Esposizione artisti medesi     


2012   19-20 Maggio Arte in fiore     

            Garden Ikebana Missaglia

2012    8-16 Settembre

            36° premio di pittura Circolo don Rinaldo Beretta 


2012    8-9 Dicembre                         

            Garden Ikebana Missaglia

2013    25-27 Ottobre                        

            Carrousel du Louvre Parigi

2013    30 Novembre-1 Dicembre     

            Garden Ikebana Missaglia

2014    14 gennaio-12 febbraio         

             Green Islad Pub  Nibionno

2014     20-30 Giugno                        

             MIIT Torino scambi d’arte Italia-U.S.A.

2015     30 maggio-7 giugno              

             100 artisti X l’EXPO  Sotto il Monte

2015      17-31 Ottobre            

              Concorso Varvello arte in tavola

              presso EXPO Milano

2015      05-08 Dicembre                     

              Garden Ikebana Missaglia

2016      23 Ottobre 

              Scomparti-Moduli di arti contemporane

              Lariofiere Erba (CO)

2017      8-10 Dicembre                       

              Garden Ikebana Missaglia

2018      4-18 Novembre 

              Rassegna nazionale d’arte pittorica

              Giussano villa Sartirana

2018      7-9 Dicembre                         

              Garden Ikebana Missaglia

2019      23 Giugno                              

              Le vie dell’arte  Missaglia

2019      6-8 Dicembre                         

              Garden Ikebana Missaglia

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