The fantasy of colors
Site dedicated to Davide Nava's artistic works
Oil on canvas - Olio su tela
Know yourself
Man is the measure of all things
In the world of appearance where everything is relative, even matter is lost in the probabilistic particle world, the bridge between having and being passes through the tortuous path towards inner knowledge. Certainties, faiths and convictions are just illusions, is man perhaps the metron of reality? Truly the wisest is the one who knows he doesn't know and the true climb towards success is done within oneself, to reach oneself, to be free.
SIZE 50X35 French Canvas
Looking for the man
Why do you live if you don't care about well living?
Diogene da Sinope
From Socratic Athens to the technological modern era of isolation and alienation, where is Man hiding? Beyond fear, superficiality, appearances, the chains of economic and cultural oppression; beyond cold instrumental rationality and the cage of consumption, is there nothing left but a simple cog in the system? Do we have to resign ourselves to the sad prophecy of Euripides: "Among mortals there is no one who is free. One of wealth and another is a slave to fortune... and that of the laws established, and can not act according to his nature"? A light of hope can find being beyond having.
MISURE 35X50 French Canvas
The dimension of uman being
Whoever wants to move the world must move himself first
Revolution, yes revolution of consciences, is a different world possible!? It would be, if only we were able to think about it, to imagine it, to theorize it, if we were able to leave the one dimension existence which we have been educated. That the egg of knowledge, of mental freedom, of reason can hatch, that a new man source of his destiny can be born, free from the chains of fear, consumerism and conformity.
SIZE 35X50 French Canvas
Even if fear will have more and more arguments, you choose hope
Breath of life, breath of the soul.
"Discover the joy of being together,
the welcome and the warmth ...
What is love?
As impalpable as it is real.
Like a breath it creeps into the soul and takes care of it.
No more loneliness but belonging:
to themselves and not to others,
to life and not to something. "
Taken from the poem "Soffio" by Carmen Besana
Light and impalpable feathers are a symbol, as in the Egyptian myths of Maat or Celtic of Morrigan, of the means to reach the way of the spirit, where our true being resides and where to draw the energy to walk the ways of life.
the background made with palette knife, material, wrinkled, rough like the harsh human life contrasts with the delicate and light spiritual dimension
SIZE 50X35 French Canvas
It takes a lifetime to learn to live.
The painting is intended to represent the journey of life symbolically described by the progress of snails as well as by the gradation of colors that passes from the coldest to the warmest.
The slowness of the snails indicates the patience and calm necessary for personal growth, the shells represent resilience understood as a tireless force that allows humans not to fall in the face of obstacles.
The first snail embodies curiosity, the second attention and the third determination, a virtue that I wanted to indicate as the engines of existence.
SIZE 30X50 Tela francese
The rules of flight
Destiny guides who follow him of his own free and drags those who rebel.
Through the image of the eagle, symbol of freedom, which is yoked, the painting wants to represent the human condition where often the will to fulfill desires, following the path of one's aspirations and talents is opposed by the rules of life, by having to respond to social conventions, from the events of existence that force us to postpone projects to a future that can become more and more hypothetical with the passage of time, stopping us waiting for a glory, which in reality may never arrive. Thus the eagles in the painting would like to take flight but the coachman does not allow it, forcing them into captivity by pulling the chariot.
SIZE 40X50
Beyond the rules
We shouldn't worry about having lived long, but about having lived enough
In the painting the train symbolize the means that can lead us to a better world, that world that we can create ourselves with our actions, ideas and small daily gestures that break the conventions and rules that want us chained to the duties that are imposed on us by society.
So off we go, we can take flight on the wings of those butterflies that are our dreams and our passions which, if pursued with courage and trust, can really take us to the station of happiness.
You have to live intensely, every day, every little thing, as if it were the last!
The painting was made in oil on classic canvas, I propose it without frame so that you can customize it with the one that is most suitable for the environment where it will be exhibited.
He is a positive and energetic subject, I would like him to find a place not only in the home of a person who appreciates him visually but also absorbs the profound message he wants to convey.
SIZE 40X50
At the mercy of the wind
No wind is favorable for the sailor who does not know which port he wants to land at
The painting wants to make us reflect on the fact that, often in life, we find ourselves having to make decisions or make choices without having the necessary information and knowledge, thus ending up “navigating in sight” simply trying to do our best.
Here then we are at the mercy of the wind, of the events that fate dictates
us to face and that we must manage to the best of our ability but without secure supports, like walking on clouds.
Sad but stimulating reality of the human race engaged in the struggle for survival and at the same time in the path of self-realization.
SIZE 40X50
Olive trees
SIZE 40X50
Evening, if you don't care, I'll take your wind.
I need to be taken where there are wild woods and shy unicorns and streams that disappear into beaches never seen before .
SIZE 40X50
Orizzonti lontani
The Ladder
It's always too late to go back but it's never too late to move forward
The painting is based on two symbols, the girl who represents the human race engaged in the personal journey of existence and the ladder which is a metaphor for life.
Its development, which leaves no clue as to where it will end, reminds us that, despite all our plans and hopes, in reality what the future holds for us is unknown and only by walking on the ladder can we move towards our destiny that we will discover step by step.
SIZE 50X40
SIZE 20X20
Water games
Fantasy painting featuring mythical beings that are half human and half water snakes, a symbol of the dualism between man and nature, whose balance, as necessary as it is indispensable for our species, is too often subordinated to ephemeral and selfish human interests .
SIZE 40X50
The Phoenix Garden
We have two lives: the second begins when we realize we only have one.
The painting aims to be a representation of resilience as an essential quality of life.
The tree, as in my other works, symbolizes life while the girl is none other than the human race confronting the phoenix, a mythological animal which, reborn from its own ashes, focuses the meaning of the work precisely on the need to never fossilize but live the change, like an essential feature of existence, always as an opportunity, a door to new goals.
The end always coincides with a new beginning.
SIZE 40X50
The origin
If you lose touch with nature, you lose touch with humanity.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Painting dedicated to nature and our relationship with it.
The girl, who symbolically represents the human race, comes out of the tree through the ladder, the union of the two realities which ultimately coincide.
Too often we forget that we are children of nature and only a balance with it, which does not see us at the center but one of the many constituent elements, can make our civilization truly human and represent a path of development for humanity both in terms of planetary sustainability and, above all, in terms of ethics.
Why not give it a try?
SIZE 50X40
On the way
It's not because things are difficult that we don't dare to do them, it's because we don't dare to do them that they become difficult.
The turtle……with its shell symbol of Resilience, ability to face the challenges of life which is nothing but constant change. With its gait symbol of Slowness, necessary to ponder and meditate, opposed to the frenzy of modern life. With its physiology symbol of Stability, fundamental qualities for a full and balanced existence.
But the shell which is also home for the animal stands before us like Diogenes' barrel and reminds us that man, in order to be true, must be free: free from the slavery of objects, money, conventions, the judgement of others , .....
SIZE 40X50
Light in the Storm
Be like the sea that, breaking against the rocks, always finds the strength to try again.
Jim Morrison
The painting aims to represent, through the storm, the hardships that life is full of and that can be overcome by having a clear vision of our goals in front of us.
Without the light to aim for, which leads us towards the realization of our talents, through the acceptance of our potential, the risk is that of getting lost in the storm of life.
SIZE 40X50
The Bridge
Is our life in the hands of fate or chance? Are we the architects of our own destiny or do we live predetermined experiences?
Like a ballerina we dance along the paths of existence without knowing what tomorrow will bring us and of the bridge of life that we walk every day we know the beginning but we cannot see the end and where it will take us is a mysterious surprise.
We are called daily to solve the problems that life presents us, making decisions without having the skills to do so, what is the purpose of all this?
Is there a purpose?
SIZE 40X50
SIZE 40X50
The choice
Painting created for EXPO 2015, it highlights the theme of climate change and the destruction of the planet that human activities are perpetrating.
The choice is to continue straight on a road that will lead us against a wall or the courage to take back our life and our philosophy to create an ethical existence in balance with nature. A choice that in my opinion must start from the bottom, from the daily choices of each one without waiting in the vain hope that the powerful of the world will think about it.
40x50 oil on canvas French
Take a cue from the sunflower: lift your head and look for your ray of sunshine.
Eyes of light that turn to the sun,
common source of nourishment.
They seek and find what is essential
while still anchored to their native soil.
With static continuous and rhythmic motion
they are harmony of nature.
Children of the sun and the earth
they dance, observe, talk, listen…
they communicate joy to those who want to grasp it.
In turn they nourish man:
earthly and spiritual food.
Carmen Besana
SIZE 50X40